Our Staff
Meet Our Leadership Team
Sam Howell – Principal
Gabriel Tuffs – Assistant Principal
Jane Arbasak – Farm Administrator
Tom Williams – Climate Manager
Shannon Adams – Counselor
Kelly Coutts – Counselor
Dr. Tiffany Turrentine – Race & Equity Coordinator
Rebecca Yacker – Dual Enrollment Coordinator, SBTL
Mary Creighton – Athletic Director
James Peterson – Roster Chair & Testing Coordinator
Theresa Maas-Anger – School Technology Coordinator
Najwa Smith – Career & Technical Education Industry Development Specialist
Walter Stepnowski – Building Representative
Alyssa Butler – Special Education Compliance Monitor (SPECM)
Donna Santos – Nurse
Click here to meet our staff
Faculty and Staff
Staff member | Role | email (@philasd.org) |
Adams, S. | Counselor | sadams |
Arbasak, J | Farm Manager | jaarbasak |
Babb,S | Secretary, Senior Sponsor | sbabb |
Bernardo, A | Teacher | abernardo |
Butler, A | SPECM | arkrefski |
Chrestay, C | teacher | Ccrestay |
Coutts, K | Counselor | kcoutts |
Creighton, M | Teacher, Athletic Director | mcreighton |
Cullen, E | Teacher | ecullen |
Cunha, E | Teacher | ecunha |
Dinan-Sarnoski, M | Teacher | mdinansarnoski |
DiBartolomeo, D | Teacher | ddbartolomeo |
Farace, C | Teacher | croff |
Gittelman, M | Teacher | mgittelman |
Goodwin, D | Building Engineer | dgoodwin |
Howell, S | Principal | showell |
Keefer, J | Teacher | jkeefer |
Koskela, G | Teacher | grkoskela |
Lorenz, L | Student Climate staff | llorenz |
Love, S | Student Climate staff | slove |
Lynn, M | Teacher | mplynn |
Maas-Anger, T | Teacher | tamaasanger |
Mbura, J | teacher | jnmbura |
McNelis, M | Teacher | mmcnelis |
Palmer, E | Teacher | edpalmer |
Peterson, J | Teacher, Roster, Testing Coordinator | jdpeterson |
Pincus, S | Teacher | spincus |
Puntel, C | Teacher | cpuntel |
Santos, D | Nurse | dmsantos |
Schuler, G | Teacher | gkschuler |
Smith, N | Industry Development Specialist | nsmith3 |
Stauffer, C | Teacher | cnstauffer |
Stefanelli, A | Teacher | astefanelli |
Steiner, J | Teacher | jksteiner |
Stepnowski, W | Teacher | wwstepnowski |
Tanner, H | Teacher | htanner |
Thompson, M | Teacher, Dean | methompson |
Tuffs, G | Assistant Principal | gtuffs |
Turko, J | Teacher | jturko |
Turrell, H | Teacher | hturrell |
Turrentine, Dr. T | Teacher, Recruitment coordinaotr | tmturrentine |
Williams, T | Climate Manager | twilliams11 |
Wade, S | Teacher | swade |
Yacker, R | SBTL, Teacher | ryacker |