All SDP schools and offices will be closed on Friday, February 14 in observance of
the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles’ City-Wide Celebration,
and Monday February 17 in observance of Presidents’ Day.

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 Saul logo

At W.B. Saul High School, our mission is to promote student leadership that makes a difference in our world. Through diverse, hands-on opportunities rooted in an urban setting, Saul students apply their knowledge and skills to address modern environmental and agricultural challenges. To enhance post-secondary and career success, Saul students drive the future by learning to do, doing to learn, and learning to serve.

FFA logo


Our school community lives the FFA motto: Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. Click on the logo to learn more about FFA.



Sauliday Bazaar- Dec 14

flyer for the Sauliday Bazaar on Dec 14 from 10-2


School calendar